
About Me


“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.”

#FF782B" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M13.978 25.855c-.267 0-.524-.032-.772-.063a6.475 6.475 0 00-.784-.061c-.244 0-.478.024-.715.075a.464.464 0 01-.443-.146.464.464 0 01-.085-.462c.142-.391.136-.715.128-1.126-.007-.422-.015-.905.142-1.531.37-1.474 1.507-2.919 3.045-3.918-1.518-.872-3.083-2.366-3.325-4.253-.054-.418-.007-.797.037-1.164.058-.471.111-.916-.013-1.499a.457.457 0 01.605-.528c.303. 0 .74.017 1.25.145 1.472.37 2.917 1.507 3.917 3.045.871-1.518 2.367-3.083 4.252-3.325.127-.016.258-.024.391-.024.27 0 .525.031.775.061s.507.062.781.062c.246 0 .478-.024.715-.075a.455.455 0 01.444.147.465.465 0 01.086.458c-.142.393-.136.717-.129 1.533-.37 1.472-1.508 2.917-3.047 3.916 1.52.872 3.085 2.366 3.326 1.166-.058.472-.11.917.015 1.496a.464.464 0 01-.147.445.469.469 0 01-.46.086 2.447 2.447 0 00-.877-.134c-.083 0-.165.002-.248.005l-.283.002c-.335 0-.744-.016-1.251-.146-1.473-.367-2.918-1.506-3.919-3.046-.871 1.521-2.365 3.085-4.251 3.327a2.814 2.814 0 01-.394.026z"/>

Hi! My name is Alisia and I’m here to help you find the confidence you need to feel

Yoga and meditation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean feugiat dictum lacus, ut hendrerit mi pulvinar vel. Fusce id nibh at neque eleifend tristique at sit amet libero. In aliquam in nisl nec sollicitudin. Sed conseclore, tetur volutpat sem vitae facilisis. Fusce tristique, magna nare facililore,m ipsum sis
#FF782B" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M13.978 25.855c-.267 0-.524-.032-.772-.063a6.475 6.475 0 00-.784-.061c-.244 0-.478.024-.715.075a.464.464 0 01-.443-.146.464.464 0 01-.085-.462c.142-.391.136-.715.128-1.126-.007-.422-.015-.905.142-1.531.37-1.474 1.507-2.919 3.045-3.918-1.518-.872-3.083-2.366-3.325-4.253-.054-.418-.007-.797.037-1.164.058-.471.111-.916-.013-1.499a.457.457 0 01.605-.528c.303. 0 .74.017 1.25.145 1.472.37 2.917 1.507 3.917 3.045.871-1.518 2.367-3.083 4.252-3.325.127-.016.258-.024.391-.024.27 0 .525.031.775.061s.507.062.781.062c.246 0 .478-.024.715-.075a.455.455 0 01.444.147.465.465 0 01.086.458c-.142.393-.136.717-.129 1.533-.37 1.472-1.508 2.917-3.047 3.916 1.52.872 3.085 2.366 3.326 1.166-.058.472-.11.917.015 1.496a.464.464 0 01-.147.445.469.469 0 01-.46.086 2.447 2.447 0 00-.877-.134c-.083 0-.165.002-.248.005l-.283.002c-.335 0-.744-.016-1.251-.146-1.473-.367-2.918-1.506-3.919-3.046-.871 1.521-2.365 3.085-4.251 3.327a2.814 2.814 0 01-.394.026z"/>

Hi! My name is Alisia and I’m here to help you find the confidence you need to feel


Fitness expert, Speaker and Writer

a Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi

a Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

a Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore

a Dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam

a Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi

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